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  • 時間:2019-03-11

  • 來源:留學(xué)監(jiān)理網(wǎng)


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1.學(xué)生咨詢關(guān)于一篇論文的source的問題。一種魚類動物的滅絕可能是人類造成的,因為池塘dry up,所以沒有地方繁衍,但是文中又提到說是deforestation 造成了該動物的滅絕。覺得有些不準確。教授提到這并不矛盾,并介紹了transpiration的概念,說明是遠處的熱帶雨林的減少會影響當?shù)氐慕涤?,造成池塘dry up。

2.學(xué)生寫論文,需要查一篇文章。但是打不開。原因是為學(xué)校提供database維護的公司現(xiàn)在不做了,一部分data找不到了。學(xué)生的文章就找不到了。建議學(xué)生去圖書館或者interlibrary system去找其他的代替資源。

3.天文學(xué)系一位男生去圖書館預(yù)定T恤,為的是參加科學(xué)集會。這個T恤的靈感來自于物理學(xué)系的同學(xué)。這位天文學(xué)系男生自己很有想法。他設(shè)計的T恤正面是八大行星的照片,下面寫上它們的名字。然后,圖書管理員阿姨問,為什么沒有冥王星(Pluto),學(xué)生說,Pluto已經(jīng)不是Major planet,而是Minor planet。學(xué)生說T恤的背面設(shè)計也很簡單,先在上面寫一句話:all are welcome in the astronomy department,而且必須小寫(major),然后來一張Pluto的圖。



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Conversation 3



1. Why does the woman go to see the professor?

A. To ask his opinion regarding a debate about the origins of the Berber people

B. To get feedback on a paper that she recently submitted

C. To propose an alternative topic for a paper she is working on

D. To clarify a point that the professor made in class

2. According to the woman, what error did she make in writing her original paper?

A. She did not follow the advice of the professor's graduate assistant.

B. She forgot to include information about the ancient Romans and Egyptians in the paper.

C. She began writing the paper before completing all the necessary research.

D. She did not provide citations for all the sources she used to write the paper.

3. How does the professor respond when the woman tells him that she wrote a new proposal?

A. He suggests that the woman's original proposal was stronger than the new proposal.

B. He indicates that he could have helped the woman find suitable material for her original proposal.

C. He expresses disappointment that he did not have an opportunity to suggest a new topic for the woman.

D. He suggests possible sources of information about the woman's new topic.

4. What topic is covered in the woman's new proposal?

A. The difference between civilizations that have writing and those that do not

B. The ways in which international organizations interact with contemporary African governments

C. The role of education in premodern Berber societies

D. The ways in which children in some modern-day nomadic communities are educated

5. What is the professor's opinion of the woman's new topic?

A. It is preferable to her original topic.

B. It meets the assignment's requirements.

C. It is too broad to be covered adequately.

D. It is not relevant to current events.


Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and her anthropology professor.

Student: You know the topic I submitted for my research proposal, the historical origins of the Berber people of North Africa? Well, I started writing and it just wasn’t working for me. I’m pretty much going nowhere with the research.

Professor: I’m sorry to hear that. It was such an original choice. What happened?

Student: Well, I found plenty of information about Berber’s society in present day North Africa. But even though the evidence points to Berber civilization probably dating back five thousand years, there’s no real scholarly consensus about their ancestry.

Professor: That’s true. We don’t have a consensus. Feelings about their origins range from parts of Europe to the Middle East. Part of the problem is that the Berber language wasn’t traditionally a written one so there aren’t any historical records written by the Berbers themselves that we can trace back to antiquity. As a result, it’s hard to find any direct evidence of their origin.

Student: Yeah. The ancient Egyptians and Romans mentioned them a bit. I thought it was great when the graduate assistant, Raymond, recommended this topic to me. But along with the opposing theories, the main thing is that I just don’t feel I will get enough material to base a paper on. Maybe I should have talked to you first, but I went ahead and wrote a totally new proposal. I hope that’s okay.

Professor: Yes, of course. But I wish we would’ve had this talk before you veered off into this new direction. You know, even though historians haven’t come to a consensus, we could’ve worked together and I’m sure you could’ve written a good paper acknowledging of course that disagreements about the Berber’s origin exist.

Student: Oh, okay.

Professor: And I also would have directed you to Anthrotopics as a place to look.

Student: Anthrotopics? It rings a bell.

Professor: I’m sure I mentioned it in class. It’s a good website for scholarly sources on anthropological classes. Check it out. Maybe you could come back to the Berbers for your second paper.

Student: Okay. I will think about it.

Professor: But in the meantime, you said you have something else?

Student: Yes, it’s about nomadic populations and schooling in parts of Africa like how the whole issue of children attending school is being addressed in modern nomadic communities.

Professor: That’s certainly is a timely topic. In fact, I just read a recent study on this subject. African governments and international agencies are struggling to figure out how to deal with this issue.

Student: I’ve brought you a copy of the proposal and this time I went ahead and did some research first so I know the material is there. It’s not a historical topic. Is that a problem?

Professor: Well, the assignment was to write on an anthropological problem related to an African community. The topic doesn’t necessarily have to be historical.


1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. B





1. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of being active on social media.

2. Should students be required to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester?

3. Your professor asks you to help him with his research project, but on that day you have promised your sister to attend her birthday party. How will you choose?

4. Which of the following people can give most useful help in your future career direction?

1) Teachers

2) Families

3) Friends

5. How should parents teach their kids to work with others?

6. If a foreign teacher comes to your country to teach high school student, what suggestions will you give him for preparation?

7. Which of the following has the greatest impact on students’ life?

1) electronic books

2) smart phones

3) online courses

8. Suppose your friend is going to a job interview. What suggestions do you have for him?

9. If your university is going to invite someone to give a speech, who do you think they should invite? A businessman, a scientist or a politician?

10. Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby that can help him spend his weekend in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

11. A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish?



1. Describe one way you benefit from using the Internet.

2. Your college got a large amount of money, where do you think it should spend to improve student life? Technology, sports facilities and research.

3. People face many difficulties in life. Which one of the following time periods is the most difficult to you? Childhood, teenage-hood or adulthood? Give Specific details and examples to explain your answer.

4. Someone's coming to your city for a visit with little knowledge about the weather and the place. What suggestions are you going to give him? Please give specific reasons.

5. How do you reward yourself if you work hard or get a job? Why?

6. Which of the following jobs do you want to do: tutor others, be a visiting scholar? Why?

7. What quality is the most important to be a university student: highly motivated, hard-working, or intelligence? Using details and examples to support your idea.

8. Which of the following ways is the best in getting to know Italian culture?

1)Watching Italian movies

2)Learning Italian cooking

3)Attending Italian lectures or history classes

9. Some students prefer to take an essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you prefer? Give reasons and examples in your explanation.

10. When you earn a little extra money, is it better to spend your money or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?

11. Some students like to learn by themselves, others prefer to share their ideas with others. Which one do you prefer?

12. Which of the following three behaviors would you consider the most negative for kids? Being selfish, saying impolite things or speaking loudly in public.

13. Which of the following attributes would you consider the most valuable in your roommates?

1) being friendly

2) being quite

3) has a good hygiene habit

14. Which kind of method will you use to solve the misunderstanding between you and your friend?

15. What kind of pet do you suggest your friend to have?























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