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  • 時(shí)間:2019-04-08

  • 來(lái)源:留學(xué)監(jiān)理網(wǎng)



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Conversation 5



1. Why does the woman go to see the man?

A. To get details about postgraduate research opportunities at another university

B. To find out if alternatives exist to the biology department's summer program

C. To get permission to do an independent study project over the summer

D. To inform the man of a change in her plan of study.

2. How does the man respond to the woman's decision to study biology?

A. He is pleased by her decision.

B. He warns the woman about a potential problem with her decision.

C. He thinks the woman should wait a year.

D. He questions her reasons for making the change.

3. Why does the man mention several different branches of biology?

A. To suggest some possible research areas for the woman's independent study project

B. To indicate that the woman will need to decide on an area to specialize in

C. To point out an advantage of the biology program at the York Institute of Technology

D. To encourage the woman to start thinking about which courses she will take next year.

4. What is the woman's decision about doing an independent study project?

A. She will do one at the York Institute of Technology.

B. She will wait until the following year to do one.

C. She does not need to do one to graduate on time.

D. She will do one on a topic in mathematical modeling.

5. What does the woman say about receiving an incorrect grade?

A. She is unsure how to get the error corrected.

B. She is checking to see if the error has been corrected.

C. She believes it might affect her acceptance into the York Institute of Technology.

D. She is worried that her professor has not yet completed the paperwork regarding the grade.

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Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and her academic advisor.

Advisor: What’s on your mind, Sara?

Sara: Well, I’ve been taking a couple of biology classes this semester, and I really like it and well, I’d decided I’d like to change my major field of study and get a degree in biology instead of math.

Advisor: Oh okay. But you only have two more years here before you’re scheduled to graduate. And you know that is probably not enough time to take all the courses you need. So, if you change your major you may end up graduating late.

Sara: Well, but you know the biology department summer program, the one just for undergraduates?

Advisor: Sure, but the application deadline has already passed.

Sara: Oh yes, I know. What I wanted to ask is, well, do you know of any similar programs elsewhere where I can take the courses and have the credits transferred here?

Advisor: Okay. I see now. Well, a few of our students have attended the summer program at the York Institute of Technology on the other side of the city. Their summer program in the biology is a good one. They offer a variety of areas to focus on like cell biology, marine biology, even biotechnology. It will all be on their website.

Sara: Wow! Sounds good!

Advisor: You could take two courses there this summer which would apply to your degree here.

Sara: Oh, but I would need to take three to graduate on time.

Advisor: Well, maybe you can do the York Summer Program and an independent study project with one of your biology professors here.

Sara: Okay.

Advisor: But many professors here have already left for the summer, so you might have difficulty finding someone to supervise you this summer. But maybe you could schedule up for next summer.

Sara: Now, that would work. I will do that. Do you know when the application deadline is for the York?

Advisor: It’s a week from now.

Sara: Guess I will have to act fast. But one thing. When I got my grades back last semester, the grades from my mathematical modeling class was wrong. It was lower than what I actually earned. My professor submitted the paperwork to get it corrected but he said it could take us a week before the right grade shows up on my official records. What if York Institute wants to see my grades when I apply?

Advisor: Well, if it’s not corrected in time, ask your professor to write a letter explaining the situation and include it in your application. That should be acceptable.


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C



1. If one of your good friends makes an achievement, how will you celebrate it for him/her?

If my friend earned some kind of really cool achievement and we wanted to celebrate, we would definitely take him out to dinner. Some kind of party or something with a big group of friends. Maybe a pizza restaurant. Everyone likes pizza, right? So, first off, it would just make him feel good to have us all celebrate his achievement. He probably went through a lot of work to earn it, so it would be a nice time to relax and also show off what he’s done and have everyone say they’re really proud of him. And secondly, it would just be good to spend time with friends and be able to talk with them and talk about the achievement or have them ask questions. That would make him feel happy, it would make me feel really good, and so I’d imagine my friend would enjoy it too. And so that’s what I would do to celebrate with my friend.

2. One of your friend decided to study cooking, what advice would you give?

Learning how to cook is the basic and important skill for young people. I would recommend my friend to consult his parents or relatives to learn this skill. Usually parents have rich experience on cooking. For example, my friend is a Chinese student, consulting his parents. Maybe his parents will tell him how to stir fry vegetables and how to deep fry meat, how to steam and how to stew something and so on. Again and again, gradually he may master many skills on cooking, like cooking noodles, rice, dumplings, dishes and so on. Then he may well satisfy his own appetite and enjoy his foods. Thank you.

3. If a children museum is going to have an exhibition. Which of the following theme will be the most attractive to children?

1) robot technology

2) deep sea marine

3) solar system

I believe the demonstration of solar system is the best choice, because kids are born with questions about the universe. For example, is it possible for us to escape the gravity of the sun and explore other stars and constellations in the Milky Way galaxy? Can we build a time machine, travel all the way back to the distant past, create an alternative history and become masters of our own destiny?

However, a robot that can walk and talk is quite familiar to everybody, so it is by no means a wow factor. Besides, it is super natural for children to feel a little bit upset if they see gigantic marine animals lurking in deep, dark waters, 1000 feet below sea level. So that’s why I’d like to pick solar system.

4. The school decided to cancel the long summer vocation. So students have to attend school all year long with some short breaks during holidays. Do you agree or disagree? Please explain the reasons.

From my perspective of view, I would definitely disagree with it. There are a couple of reasons to name. To begin with, studying under enormous pressure for consistent periods will drag the feet of study efficiency. Consecutive studying process will put the students in an environment full of inhibition and it will be more likely for them to feel stressed out. Accordingly, the effectiveness and speed of their study will decrease a lot. Moreover, it can’t be a worse idea to study in hot days. Summer is the hottest season all year around and no one will feel like to study in such harsh condition, nor can they concentrate on their study for a long time because their minds are filled with idea that I want to do nothing but stay at home, the cool place. For the above reasons, I disagree with it

5. Which of the following people can give the most useful help in your future career direction:

1) Teachers

2) Families

3) Friends

Choose one and explain why.

I think parents are the best advisers when choosing our career. Firstly, it is parents who care about us most, and who know us the best, so it is out of question that they would try their best to help us choose right the career path. You know, they want to help us lead a decent life. In addition, we can benefit a lot if we listen to their advice. For example, I work in the bank, which demands a bunch of resources such as social relations and steady financial investment. My parents assist me in choosing this career and they have all the resources I need because they are bankers. In this way, I get promoted much more quickly.

6. Some schools offer first year college students optional courses on how to manage time. Describe the advantages and disadvantages for students to take such courses.

Well, the benefit of such courses is that students can make a better transition from high school to college. They can develop useful skills such as manage their time properly, taking notes in classes and preparing for exams. However, the drag is that optional courses take too much of students’ time. You know, students are overwhelmed with all kinds of assignments like papers, presentations, and even group projects. So, taking optional courses might leave students less time on their major course works and students might lower grade eventually.

7. You and your friends both are going to attend final exam, and your friend who doesn't study hard in the process seeks for your help, what would you do?

I’m sure I would try to help, but it would depend on the kind of help she needed. For example, if she just wants to use my notes, that’d be fine. Or I could help her out if she just had a few questions.

That being said, I’d have to say “no” to her if she wanted me to basically become her private tutor. I’d feel a little bad because she’s my friend, but I would need to focus on my own exams. I wouldn’t have the time to become a teacher and re-teach her all those classes she missed. After all, it’s herself fault for sleeping through class. How hard can it be to set an alarm?

8. Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear?

The following suggestions can be useful for someone who has stage fright. First, practice makes perfect. Don’t waste any chance to speak in public. He or she can start with an environment that’s not so intimidatingly, try giving a little talk at a family dinner first. When it’s time, move on to giving a presentation in class. Sooner or later, this person will be able to speaking in front of strangers. Second, be prepared for the speech. This means he or she should take the time write a draft, get the slides in order and rehears at the speech location if possible.

9. Describe what you were like when you started attending school.

I was six when I started attending school. I was curious about everything, eager to learn. It was quite different from kindergarten, courses began and teachers were serious. It took me some time settling in but basically it was all fun and I never cried like many other kids did especially on Monday mornings. I enjoyed Chinese class mostly, the teacher would encourage us to act out the stories we’ve learned. It was a good experience of learning and also making friends. Because you see we had to cooperate and rehearse, it was more of a game for us rather than just words and textbooks.

10. If there is misunderstanding between you and your friend, do you prefer to solve the problem in public places or private places like home?

In my opinion, I prefer to remove the misunderstanding with my friend in a public place such as a quiet coffee bar or a nice restaurant. Because firstly, it will shows my sincerity by inviting my friend to a formal place to resolve the problem. We will communicate with each other and even make an apology to each other sincerely. What’s more, public places usually provide us with a better sense of fairness while dealing with the disagreement than a private place like one’s home. Also, the nicer environment in a public place can help us relax and get rid of the misunderstanding and even prejudice between us.
























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