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2 New Europeans Settle on America


3 songbird的migration減少,首先是某人發(fā)現了這個現象,在60s-80s migration減少50%,然后就有人認為這不是個general的現象,但是接著就根據unusual distribution 發(fā)現是general,因為森林碎片化引起了ecosystem change,所以migration減少。

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二、教動物sign language做交流(發(fā)聲系統(tǒng)不一樣,所以不能是vocal)。提到了馬的反例(訓練的人偷偷給暗示,眨眼之類的),所以做實驗,錄下來,大家都不知道是什么,讓猩猩去選,猩猩都選出來了。還有個小猩猩的玩具掉了,他指掉的地方選open, trainer就猜出來了,撿回來toy,而這些之前都沒有教過,是新的。


Environmental Impact of the Anasazi

P1: A major question in the archaeology of the southwestern region of the United States is why so many impressive settlements, and even entire regions, were abandoned in prehistoric times. Archaeologist Tim Kohler has suggested that the nature of human-environmental interaction was an important reason in the case of the Anasazi people. The actual case study that Kohler relies on is from the Dolores River basin of southwest Colorado, where the Anasazi seem to have moved in about A.D. 600. Over the following couple of centuries, the population increased, and they aggregated (or gathered) into villages, but by about A.D. 900 the area began to be abandoned. Other archaeologists have identified the immediate cause of this abandonment to be a series of short growing seasons that would have put pressure on corn production at that high an altitude. Kohler, however, assets that a growing population led to human-environmental interactions that caused people to live in villages, intensify agrarian food production, deforest the region, deplete the local soils, and ultimately abandon the area.

美國西南部地區(qū)的考古學家面臨的一個主要問題是:為什么在史前時代有那么多令人印象深刻的移民點,甚至整個地區(qū)都被遺棄了呢?考古學家蒂姆·科勒(Tim Kohler)認為,人類與環(huán)境相互作用的本質是阿納薩奇人滅絕的一個重要原因??评账蕾嚨膶嶋H案例研究來自科羅拉多州西南部的多洛雷斯河流域,阿納薩奇人似乎在公元600年左右遷居于此。在接下來的幾個世紀里,人口不斷增加,他們聚集(或聚集)到村莊里,但到了公元900年左右,這個地區(qū)開始被遺棄。其他考古學家認為,造成這種廢棄的直接原因是一系列的短生長期,這些生長期可能會對如此高海拔地區(qū)的玉米生產造成壓力。然而,科勒的資產,人口增長導致了人類與環(huán)境的相互作用,導致人們生活在村莊,加強農業(yè)糧食生產,砍伐森林,耗盡當地土壤,最終放棄該地區(qū)。

P2: Kohler uses several kinds of evidence to show that human effects, not solely climatic factors, were important factors in the abandonment of settlements. One key indicator of change in the environment surrounding these prehistoric settlements is the wood that was used there. Archaeological study of wood charcoal found in hearths dating to the various episodes of occupation indicated that the species use changed in a patterned way. Over time there was a decline in the use of juniper and pinon (native, slow-growing species of trees) and an increase in woody shrubs and fast-growing cottonwood. The species of wood used in the construction of buildings also changed. Fewer pinon were being used, and those that were used seem to be from increasingly old trees, while juniper continued to be from young trees. The implication is that the forest that did remain was changing to relatively more junipers, a tree that is more fire resistant, better able to reproduce in open settings, and less desirable for construction than pinon. Kohler argues that pinon was disappearing from the locale of settlements and that this put an additional nutritional strain on the population, which used nuts from the tree as well as its wood. The relative proportion of different species of animals hunted by people in the region also changed progressively. A final source of evidence was the seeds found in the archaeological deposits, which had blown or been brought to the settlement. As time went on, there was a substantial increase in seeds from pioneer plants, attesting both to agricultural intensification and to an increasingly disturbed local environment.


P3: This evidence has convinced Kohler of the importance of human impact in degrading the local environment. His interpretation of the situation is that by about A.D. 840, people had aggregated into villages in favorable settings because of their competitive organizational advantages over smaller units in the face of growing population and depletion of local wild resources. Hence, the very nature of the initial slash-and-burn agriculture encouraged a further dependence on agriculture and the aggregation of people into denser settlements. However, there are costs to aggregation, such as the increasing distance to usable fields, the heavier pressure on local soils, and the accompanying increase in agricultural risk. The Anasazi responded to this by further intensification, such as water-control mechanisms, to feed the increasing population. Such a trajectory is fraught with risks, but it is also pushed forward by advantages it bestows on its participants who organize and cooperate. Advantages might include sharing food across groups in a village, investment in facilities to improve the processing and storage of food, and cooperative labor pools and social groupings larger than villages, which would enable organized long-distance hunts and participation in trading networks. Larger and larger villages became possible, but this also made the system vulnerable to collapse. A reliance on the management of resources through cooperative action reduced their flexibility of action, so that when poor seasons occurred, people were seriously hurt. Thus an expectable aberration in the climatic regime may have been enough to cause the collapse of the village system in the Dolores area.



1. The word “ultimately” in the passage is closet in meaning to

A. quietly

B. gradually

C. eventually

D. simply

2. According to paragraph 1, other archaeologists differ from Tim Kohler in giving which of the following as the reason for the abandonment of settlements by the Anasazi?

A. The nature of human interaction with the environment

B. A large increase in population over a short period of time

C. The way in which people gathered together in villages

D. A limited production of corn due to one short growing season after another Paragraph 1 is marked with an arrow [e]

3. According to paragraph 1, Kohler views all of the following as changes that occurred as a result of increased population growth EXCEPT

A. the organization of the people into villages

B. the improvement of local soils

C. increased food production

D. a decrease in the number of trees in the area

4. The word “substantial” in the passage is closet in meaning to

A. gradual

B. appropriate

C. apparent

D. significant

5. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 2 as changes over time in the pattern of wood use in prehistoric settlements EXCEPT:

A. Cottonwood was increasingly used in hearths.

B. Fewer pinon trees were used in building construction.

C. Juniper wood was increasingly used in hearths.

D. The pinon wood used in construction came increasingly from older trees.

6. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that juniper

A. is less valuable nutritionally than pinon is

B. is easily destroyed by fire

C. produces fewer seeds per plant than pinon does

D. reproduces easily in the presence of pinon

Wind pollination

1 Pollen, a powdery substance, which is produced by flowering plants and contains male reproductive cells, is usually carried from plant to plant by insects or birds, but some plants rely on the wind to carry their pollen. Wind pollination is often seen as being primitive and wasteful in costly pollen and yet it is surprisingly common, especially in higher latitudes. Wind is very good at moving pollen a long way; pollen can be blown for hundreds of kilometers, and only birds can get pollen anywhere near as far. The drawback is that wind is obviously unspecific as to where it takes the pollen. It is like trying to get a letter to a friend at the other end of the village by climbing onto the roof and throwing an armful of letters into the air and hoping that one will end up in the friend’s garden. For the relatively few dominant tree species that make up temperate forests, where there are many individuals of the same species within pollen range, this is quite a safe gamble. If a number of people in the village were throwing letters off roofs, your friend would be bound to get one. By contrast, in the tropics, where each tree species has few, widely scattered individuals, the chance of wind blowing pollen to another individual is sufficiently slim that animals area safer bet as transporters of pollen. Even tall trees in the tropics are usually not wind pollinated despite being in windy conditions. In a similar way, trees in temperate forests that are insect pollinated tend to grow as solitary, widely spread individuals.


2 Since wind-pollinated flowers have no need to attract insects or other animals, they have dispensed with bright petals, nectar, and scent. These are at best a waste and at worst an impediment to the transfer of pollen in the air. The result is insignificant-looking flowers and catkins (dense cylindrical clusters of small, petalless flowers).


3 Wind pollination does, of course, require a lot of pollen. ■ Birch and hazel trees can produce5.5 and 4 million grains per catkin, respectively. ■There are various adaptations to help as much of the pollen go as far as possible. ■Most deciduous wind-pollinated trees (which shed their leaves every fall) produce their pollen in the spring while the branches are bare of leaves to reduce the surrounding surfaces that “compete” with the stigmas (the part of the flower that receives the pollen) for pollen. ■ Evergreen conifers, which do not shed their leaves, have less to gain from spring flowering, and, indeed, some flower in the autumn or winter.


4 Pollen produced higher in the top branches is likely to go farther, it is windier (and gustier) and the pollen can be blown farther before hitting the ground. Moreover, dangling catkins like hazel hold the pollen in until the wind is strong enough to ben them, ensuring that pollen is only shed into the air when the wind is blowing hard. Weather is also important. Pollen is shed primarily when the air is dry to prevent too much sticking to wet surfaces or being knocked out of the air by rain. Despite these adaptations, much of the pollen fails to leave the top branches, and only between 0.5 percent and 40 percent gets more than 100 meters away from the parent. But once this far, significant quantities can go a kilometer or more. Indeed, pollen can travel many thousands of kilometers at high altitudes. Since all this pollen is floating around in the air, it is no wonder that wind-pollinated trees are a major source of allergies.


5 Once the pollen has been snatched by the wind, but not everything is left to chance. Wind borne pollen is dry, rounded, smooth, and generally smaller than that of insect-pollinated plants. But size is a two-edged sword. Small grains may be blown farther but they are also more prone to be whisked past the waiting stigma because smaller particles tend to stay trapped in the fast-moving air that flows around the stigma. But stigmas create turbulence, which slows the air speed around them and may help pollen stick to them.



1. The word “drawback” in the passage is closet in meaning to

A. other side of the issue

B. objection

C. concern

D. problem

2. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about pollen production?

A. Pollen production requires a significant investment of energy and resources on the part of the plant.

B. The capacity to produce pollen in large quantities is a recent development in the evolutionary history of plants.

C. Plants in the tropics generally produce more pollen than those in temperate zones.

D. The highest levels of pollen production are found in plants that depend on insects or birds to carry their pollen.

3. According to paragraph 1, wind-pollinated trees are most likely to be found

A. in temperate forests

B. at lower latitudes

C. in the tropics

D. surrounded by trees of many different species

4. Paragraph 1 supports which of the following as the reason animals are a safer bet than wind as pollinators when the individual trees of a species are widely separated?

A. Animals tend to carry pollen from a given flower further than the wind does.

B. Animals serve as pollinators even where there is little wind to disperse the pollen.

C. An animal that visits a flower is likely to deliberately visit other flowers of the same species and pollinate them.

D. Birds and insects fly in all directions, not just the direction the wind is blowing at a given moment.

5. In paragraph 1, the author compares pollen moved by wind with letters thrown off roofs in order to

A. explain why there are relatively few species of trees that depend on wind pollination

B. compare natural, biological processes with human social practices

C. make a point about the probability of wind-blown pollen reaching a tree of the same species

D. argue against the common assumption that the tallest trees are the most likely to employ wind pollination

6. Paragraph 2 suggests that wind-pollinated plants do not have bright petals, nectar, and scent for which TWO of the following reasons? To receive credit, you must select TWO answers.

A. They interfere with pollination by wind.

B. They are easily damaged by wind.

C. They are unnecessary.

D. They reduce the amount of pollen that can be produced.

7. The word “respectively” in the passage is closet in meaning to

A. over time

B. separately

C. in that order

D. consistently





























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